Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Joyce is a young widow with five children. She and her son Immanuel have HIV and are taking medication for it. After many years of loose living, she came to know the Lord three years ago. She now loves the Lord, and is trying to teach her children to follow Him. She visits us each week and we like to visit her, too. Julia and Immanuel, the son holding the Frisbee, are especially good friends and play soccer together whenever they have a chance.

She has received a house, cow, food, chickens, fencing, and field work from Tabitha Ministry. Her cow is now providing milk for her family, when it is well; Joyce has just harvested her beans, and she is caring for her family of four boys and one girl as best she can. But each week she struggles with health issues, a rebellious son, general poverty issues, and jealous family members.

Pray for encouragement from the Lord and other believers for Joyce.

Pray for Dennis, her oldest son, in 8th grade. He can be helpful, but he has a temper and gets into trouble because of it. Pray that he'll turn his whole heart to the Lord.

Pray for good health for Joyce and her children.

Pray for regular Christian fellowship for Joyce.

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